Hello guys!! Wow! It's been so long since I even touched my blog!! Once again, I just saw a few of my friend's blog and then I decided to update my blog. I gave it a new layout, template and a background. How is it? Very refreshing, right? ^ ^
I'm using Roxanne's previous template. Sorry for using your template too Mako. =p
So I'll be doing my best to update often, but lately I really need pictures and photos with me while I write my blog, so yes, I'm in serious need of a camera. I have a sudden envious feeling towards my sister and her camera, I hoped to have one for myself too. But at that moment, she got her camera and I insisted for an electronic keyboard. I never regretted having that awesome keyboard, but right now in Perth, around all these beautiful green scenaries, I HAVE to take pictures of them. I have a Sony Ericsson handphone with 2.0x megapixels. Obviously I need a better one. For the time being, I guess I'll have to rely on my friends' cameras. >__<
Let's see... Oh! I finally found a cactus!! Right, I never mentioned. Experts say that if you have a cactus in your room besides your laptop, it will absorb the radioactivity, reducing its impact on the user. I never heard of such theories, but it's worth a shot. I went to my mum's friend's place and she gave me one small cute cactus to take care of. I was damn excited when I got my cactus. XD
Guys, girls, meet my cactus, Roro.

Judging by the name i gave it, I believe you are able to figure out why. =)
I'll be putting it at my window porch now. Anyone who knows how to take good care of a cactus, please leave a comment to teach me how, since this is the first time in my life taking care of a living thing all by myself.
I guess that's all for now. Hmm... I need to start improving my English vocabulary... Cheers people!