Hi guys! Sorry for not updating, my life has been quite enjoyable lately. Other than that, the main reason is because it's really really cold right now, somewhere around 10 degrees, so cold that you'll only want to sleep it away. Right, hibernating. But it's getting warmer from time to time. Anyway, I'm in Perth now!! My parents and I flew to Singapore on July 22nd and to Perth by Jetstar Airlines on July 23rd. After settling down, dealing with my stuffs and hanging out together, my parents flew back on July 30th. Nah, I won't cry, we're gonna meet again in 4 months. XD Besides of the cold weather, the sky here is deep blue with no clouds with a distorted shaped moon. The view of the moon in Malaysia is so much better compared to here, but the sky in KL is so much better here. That's what it gets for pollutions and corruptions. Nyehe.
So, here are some pictures. Enjoy!
So, here are some pictures. Enjoy!
In front of a caravan in Murdoch. ^^
Pictures here include places such as Perth Zoo and Fremantle Prison. More pictures in my Facebook.
I do miss my family. But I made a promise to myself and everyone I love. So, I'll take good care of myself and do the best out of what I had. It’s also high time to polish my English too.
I'm not sure what else to tell you guys, but thanks for waiting for my blog update, any questions regarding anything about my life in Perth, feel free to leave a comment. ^^ Oh by the way, the swine flu here isn't as terrible as you think it'll be. No one's wearing masks, boarding up their homes or freaking out about it at all. Hah, and I thought they took it damn seriously. =/
enjoy your life in Perth..
hahaha.... :D
all the best !!! xD
finally updated ur blog~ glad to hear that you are fine and enjoyable in Perth.
take care ya~^^
i want to see more photos...they seem great, damn my internship!
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