Sometimes it really makes you wonder why does it rain. When you look above the sky, you see raindrops falling down, slowly landing upon the fields. Rain usually makes you wander off into your thoughts and sometimes, you get lost in it. The rain symbolizes peace, serenity and gentle touches from Heaven.
Yet, it also symbolizes sadness, cloudiness, tears from Heaven. It gives people a mixture of feelings. It gives a smile and welcoming arms to those who love rain and the cool weather it brings us. It also tunes down our mood and gives a sense of loneliness deep down ourselves, spreading a colour of blue on our emotions.
The rain describes both hope and grief.
Tears from the sky could come from both joy and sadness.
Does it rain for a reason? Is it trying to tell us something? Or rather, it is just another amazing creation of the Creator in the Universe?
As this makes you wonder and wander lost in thoughts, the raindrops keep falling...
wa... nice post
i like it =]
me too =)
rain does have that effect on our soul...
good piece of writing!
Thanks girls!! I was writing that on an early Friday morning, it was raining. I was staring through the window in front of me, looking at the raindrops, turning on this music and the words just came...
Haha, a piece of inspirational work. ^^
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